Thursday, June 6, 2013

Oofda - truth time.

Okay, time for a truth moment. Today was one of those days where all I wanted to do was speed home and crawl into my bed forever. We've all had them. The kind of day that seems like everything is working against you, where you keep striking bad luck time and time again. Days where the little babe won't nap, the dog won't stop barking, and your head won't stop pounding. The type of day where all you want is a bottle glass of pinot and your comfiest, ugliest sweat pants and a scrunchie. It happens to the best of us. Life isn't always going to be all fine and dandy. Curve balls are going to come flying out of left field at those times that you least expect it.

My motto for life is "find beauty in everything". I've been saying it for years. Repeating it to myself on days like today gets me to keep my head up. I think that as humans we have a teeny bit of a tendency to think the world is ending and things will never get better when the slightest hiccup in our daily schedules occurs. Or wait, maybe that's just me. Okay, well I have a tendency to dwell and worry about things that happened (especially when they are out of the ordinary) that I can't do one single thing about. It's my achilles tendon. Sorry about it. But the thing is, it does more harm than good - and it truly only harms me. Worrying about the baby not napping isn't going to help anything. I need to push those anxious thoughts away and flip a switch to start thinking about how to rearrange our day to accommodate her potential crankiness. Perhaps we will go on an extra long walk today to calm ourselves down (and then we get to see all of the flowers, breathe in some fresh air, and exercise). Maybe we will snuggle and sing songs together and hold on tight to the all mighty bunny lovey. Or we might just lay on the rug and read stories. Those are all of the things I SHOULD have been thinking about during the sleepless nap time, but instead I couldn't stop worrying about her maybe being cranky or in zombie mode all afternoon. And what did that worrying do? Nothing but give me a bigger headache! Argh. Dang you worrying mind!  

Want to know what hammers this mantra into my brain even more? Peanut might not have napped much today, but she still gave me the sweetest snuggles ever and uncontrollable giggles just like every other successful nap day. So even though I was stressed out this afternoon, at the end of the day, little Bear was the same rolly polly, chunky monkey, perfect Peanut that she is every other day. C'est la vie. There is beauty to be found in the unlikeliest moments. When that sweet bug reached for me from her crib, sank into my arms and held on tight to me, my heart melted even more. I lived and I learned and I am prepared to push any and all unneccessary worry out of my head the next time a bump in the road comes along. Because you never know, maybe after that jostle there is something exceptionally special waiting for you.     

Now that my vent sesh is over with, I struck gold in the Michael's clearance section today. Pure, liquid gold that is absolutely perfect for the sensory boards I am about to put together. Pictures to follow.

Thank you to any of you sweet, fabulous readers who put up with my rambles :) 

xoxo Nanny Sarah.  

1 comment:

  1. Love this post! Sometimes it's so hard to find the positive when you're worried about what's going to happen later. We had a rough day the other day as well and sometimes you just need to let whatever is going to happen happen without stressing about it. That's so much easier said than done though!
